Saturday, June 16, 2007

Shannon's Soldiers - Friday, June 15th

Hello Everyone;

We spoke with our riders and crew several times today. Our team started the day in Colorado and ended up by nightfall in Ulysses, KS, where they all enjoyed another hot shower at a motel and met up with the waiting crew reinforcements (Jim Manship, Greg Thielen, and Casey Van Balen). Everyone sounds in great spirits, although understandably tired. Sounds like our team is finally getting the hang of sleeping on the road - thank goodness! They're also starting to get a better grip on the logistics required to switch riders without losing a lot of time, although there have been a few hiccups (and one 8 mile detour) in this area. I know the crew is working hard to get their system down and work out the kinks along the way.

One of our riders told his wife back home that this was the hardest thing he has ever done. Funny, I have NO problem believing that to be a true statement! You wouldn't know just how hard it is from watching these guys, though, and the way they are riding. What an amazing test of physical strength and stamina! Thankfully, their bodies and their spirits are holding up well - and there has been a lot of bonding in the process. Every rider has raved about how the crew (Kathy Alexandre, Joe Asher, Mike Asher, Gonzo Grasis, Casey Mahoney, DJ Mahoney, Ciera Sarager, Edi & Jerry Remaklus) are taking excellent care of them. Gonzo, DJ, Edi, and Jerry will be heading home tomorrow and will be sorely missed, although I'm sure it will be great to have some fresh bodies on the crew!

I have to admit, I'm addicted to keeping track of their time and predictions on the website. It's exciting to see how each climb and descent factors into their overall performance!

Until next time,
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great job guys were following u every step of the way from home and looking forward to watching u cross the finish line in ATLANTIC CITY!!!!!!by the way congrats half way there waaa hooooo

p.s. i love u daddy cant wait to see you and we are all so proud of u!