Friday, June 15, 2007

Ari's Angels - Friday, June 15th

Hey guys,

It’s Friday at 6 pm EST and we are in Colorado. It’s been a crazy 24 hours or so since I’ve written to you last. We went from the incredible beauty and heat of Monument Valley Utah, into the evening and Colorado where last night for one pull I was riding at 35 degrees and freezing.

The highlight of the trip so far was cresting Wolf Creek Pass at 10,857 feet. The highest point of RAAM 2007! We went through such towns as Durango, Pagosa Springs, South Fork, and Cortez Colorado so far, and right now John and I are waiting to do the final of the three passes over the Rockies – Cuchara Pass.

The crew has been awesome. It is very sad to be losing John McCarthy in a couple of hours in Trinidad. He is an amazing crew person and a friend beyond measure. His upbeat humorous and laid back approach to moving us forward and keeping us nourished and rested has been amazing and inspiring. However, we’ll be picking up Bob Skold and Doug Rage, so we’ll have an extra man!

The climb up Wolf Creek went up just about 3000 feet in 8 miles or so. Getting us up to the top took all we had. I’ve sent a few pictures along for your amusement. By the way, as I crossed the 115 desert floor yesterday I developed an uncanny ability to read the minds of the people in the air-conditioned cars passing by. I hope I can use this gift later in life. Ironically however, every voice that telepathically entered my brain was saying the same thing. “What on earth could possess this idiot to ride out here in this God forsaken heat?”

I think we are all missing our families a little now. . .and nursing little aches and pains (maybe more than a little), but there is an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment. I am truly blessed and honored to be surrounded by such friends on this adventure. Till next time!

Riding for an NF cure, and my sweet little angel Arianna!
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Anonymous said...

You guys are doing great!! It’s unreal the mountains you’ve climbed…literally!!! 115 degree then 35? I thought that only happened in Toadsuck!! Keep up the great work Team. See ya in Missouri! Connie O

Anonymous said...

Go, you four wonderful men! I want you to know that I hiked to the top of Mount Whitney yesterday so I could yell as loud as I could, "You guys are awesome!" I hope my voice reached you as you burned your way up some mountain pass. I've been with you mentally the past few days, and will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers... I am so moved by what you are doing. God bless you all. Sending lots of love--Ann Marie